The City of Cimarron was first settled in 1878 and took its name from a fork in the Santa Fe Trail which led travelers to the Cimarron River. The city was was incorporated in 1885. Cimarron is located in Western Kansas, at the intersection of US Highways 50 & 23. It is 27 miles east of Garden City and 22 miles west of Dodge City. Cimarron offers residents great schools, public facilities and year round recreation opportunities. We have a colorful history, many historic landmarks, beautiful scenery, and many opportunities in our small community.
Cimarron Updates from the Mayor
Hello citizens of Cimarron. Halloween: The tradition of tricking or treating the downtown business is coming. The City of Cimarron employees will be assisting the participants at the 4 corners of the stop lights on main street. The TRAFFIC WILL NOT BE STOPPING OTHER THEN BY THE STOP LIGHTS. Also, when crossing even with the green light, always look for traffic turning. Please make this a safe activity.
Fall is in the air and a quick look back on the summer. Hope everyone enjoyed the swimming pool this year as well as the summer ball program.
With all the rain, the park has looked great this year. Also, there are 6 new trees planted at the west end of the park. There is a new fence installed at the memorial garden this year. Thanks to Chris Beery and her help in keeping this area looking great.
Hope everyone enjoyed the Cimarron Celebration this year. Nice to see a good turnout this year with activities, food trucks and a good time.
Fortunately, we have had wonderful rain. But keeping up with the mowing has been a never-ending challenge. Very thankful that we were able to meet the needs for water this year. The rain really helped, and the water wells were able to keep up. We did have a couple of major repairs on wells this year but were able to keep up with the demand, and it happened to rain at the right time.
The streetlight on south main. The latest information is that the light poles are in, but the electrical panel is on back order. Do not know when they will arrive and be finished up. Watch you step down in that area after dark. It is really dark on those streets as time changes.
If you have not gone up to the north end of town, there is quite a bit of building going on. There are 6 new homes under construction and 2 others that are almost completed. We are looking forward to those homes being sold and some more construction beginning.
This is a fantastic community and thank you everyone for being a part of it. Have a safe and happy Homecoming and Halloween.
Gilbert Benton, Mayor
City of Cimarron
119 South Main Street
P.O. Box 467
Cimarron, KS 67835
P: (620) 855-2215
F: (620) 855-3183
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.